Davidson Local’s Publisher, Antionette Kerr shares a lesson on letting go and moving on, in the midst of life’s circumstances.
All in Motivational
Davidson Local’s Publisher, Antionette Kerr shares a lesson on letting go and moving on, in the midst of life’s circumstances.
Hospice of Davidson County (HODC) invites you to an evening of creative counseling on Thursday, June 20th at the HODC Campus in Lexington.
Grace can transform our lives. Grace is the love of God. The power of grace is unmerited favor. Each day that God allows us to wake up is another gift of grace that God gives us.
Minister Toni share a special message for the Memorial Day Holiday. Memorial Day serves as a steadfast reminder that freedom is not free and it demands respect and reverence,.
Help for veterans is available. V4L is hosting their 5th Annual Community Roundtable at the Davidson County Fire Rescue Squad located at 115 West 9th Avenue in Lexington, on June 8th from 1 p.m. until 3 pm.
Minister Toni shares, tears are a language that God understands. We see teardrops being shed so often that sometimes we forget just how precious teardrops are.
Make the best meal of the day for someone special today or any day. It will be a meal that they never will forget.
Davidson Local’s own Joel Leonard offers heartfelt advice to all of those that are living as caregivers.
Columna: Estímulo para las personas que cuidan a los demás.
Davidson Local’s own Minister Toni brings you a special word this week. Reminding us “it’s nice to be nice.”
We look forward to tomorrow because of the faith we have in our Savior As believers. We can always believe in the Son, even when the Son is not shining.
The City of Thomasville Beautification Committee is doing something about the litter in Thomasville by announcing their Litter Sweep Program to help keep the city clean and beautiful.
The snow melts away and the ground thaws, you feel a sense of newness in life, when the spirit of Springtime comes.
The resurrection is the foundation of our faith. If Christ would not have risen from the grave, Our world would not have any hope. Jesus came to earth with a message of Hope. He has love and compassion for everyone.
Kara Cody and Kathy Sallee were recently presented the Servant’s Heart Award by Civitan International.
Jesus coming to the end of the roadmap is not a bad thing for us. It was the ultimate sacrifice, the destination reveals the depth of God‘s Love for us. Romans 58 declares, “God shows his love for us, and while we were sinners, Christ, died for us”.
Lead me to the cross, where your love pours out, bring me to my knees, Lord, I lay me down, bid me of myself, I belong to you, oh lead me, oh lead me. As we continue our journey on the roadmap to the cross, Jesus knew his trip to Jerusalem would be his last before he would be crucified.
As we continue on the roadmap to the cross, we understand that it was at the cross, where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away.
Spring is here which means it’s time to break out the tools and get ready for planting and gardening.
The Davidson County Civitan Club honored nine local ministers and four spouses with the club’s 21st Clergy Appreciation Observance. The event was held in the fellowship hall of Hedrick's Grove Reformed United Church of Christ.