The Roadmap to the Cross: Part III
As we continue on the roadmap to the cross, we understand that it was at the cross, where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away.
It was there by faith, I received my sight and now I am happy all the day.
Perhaps you have found yourself thinking of our Savior and what the cross means to you.
As we journey to the cross, we should understand that the cross teaches us that sin separates us from God.
The cross is a sign both of Christ, himself and The faith of Believers.
Matthew 16:24 teaches us,” If anyone come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
The roadmap to the cross is marching orders for us to follow the Savior.
Last week we followed Jesus back to Bethany. After Mary anointed Jesus' feet, it was a symbol of impending death and burial. Jesus spoke of his burial because within the week Jesus will give up his life to save people from their sins, Luke 10:41-42.
The best thing we can do on the roadmap to the cross is to worship our Savior.
As we travel on the roadmap, we should never become too busy that we cannot praise and glorify the Savior.
The next day there was a large crowd that had come for the Passover feast. The people heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. We understand that Jesus had to go through many obstacles on the roadmap to the cross. However, Jesus knew and understood the plan that was for his life. There were many events that occurred prior, these events paved a path that led Jesus to Calvary.
There were many life changing moments on the roadmap to the cross, as we reflect, we find that Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. At this time, Jesus' popularity began to grow, many people witnessed Jesus' miracles.
The second occurs prior to the last supper just two days before Passover. This happens in the house of Simon, the leper.
On the roadmap to the cross the hand of Judas' heart is exposed. Now we find Jesus preparing to make his triumphal entry to Jerusalem on the roadmap to the cross.
With Jesus as our guide, we are sure to find our way safe and rewarding when we reach the cross.
As we meditate on the word of God, this week, remember Love is the primary source of power as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Love destroys evil and never does anything that is not good, so let us wait with anticipation as we continue on the roadmap to the cross.
May God So Richly Bless!
{Photo: Stock}