Stay informed on NC Bills being filed that affect you. Here is an update of new bills introduced in Raleigh.
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Stay informed on NC Bills being filed that affect you. Here is an update of new bills introduced in Raleigh.
Due to technical issues on Sunday, “Faith & Fellowship” is being featured today. Please enjoy and meditate on the blessed words of Minister Toni delivering this week’s message.
Impacted voters across the state are speaking out about the most recent attempt to toss out legitimate ballots.
As we meditate on the word of God this week let us further understand the message by quoting the popular New Year’s song Auld Lang Syne. “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?”
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
Publisher Antionette Kerr accepted the challenge to bring something beyond a book to holiday tables each year.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember our King is the source of all happiness and that we would rather have the treasure of Jesus than the riches of the world.
Cheese straws are the perfect holiday snack and gift. They are as easy as they are delicious!
Here is a listing of fun events to get you out and about in Davidson County.
The Davidson County "Homeless Care Packages" Collection Drive is underway and hosting a day for donations to be dropped off to prepare 300 backpacks of homeless care packages for disadvantage families and individuals experiencing homelessness.
El sábado 15 de diciembre, aproximadamente a las 18:10 horas. La Patrulla de Caminos del Estado de Carolina del Norte respondió e investigó una colisión fatal en el condado de Forsyth en la I-40 oeste cerca de la milla 183.
Lexington City Schools is offering a make up day for students to replace time lost during a recent snow day.
Through a partnership with Purple Heart Homes, Carroll Dornhecker. Jr. of Lexington was selected and approved as the recipient for the roof replacement.
Today is the last day to send your letter to Santa at the North Pole using the USPS. Also remember to ship those holiday gifts and packages before it is too late.
During this season of giving, Second Harvest Food Bank is joining one of their local media sponsors, WXII of Winston-Salem on December 11th at Food Lion located at 140 Forest Hill Road in Lexington.
The best gift we can give to someone is the gift of Love.
Davidson Local is proud to announce that our favorite family podcast The Schaefer Shenanigans is joining a very special holiday celebration with Creating Disney Magic and Kersey Valley Christmas.
It’s cold outside, so bundle up, get out and about in Davidson County and enjoy all of the exciting events planned for the holiday season.
Governor Roy Cooper is encouraging North Carolinians to plan and prepare ahead of the winter season that could bring potentially dangerous winter weather as Winter Weather Preparedness Week begins.
There are many ways to make a hot toddy. You can experiment with different spirits, spices and other ingredients to make your own custom and favorite blend.