The NC State Senate heard three significant bills last Thursday, with the goal of including them in voting sessions this week.
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The NC State Senate heard three significant bills last Thursday, with the goal of including them in voting sessions this week.
We invite you to submit your stories. If you have an inspiring story about a local woman, please email us {with a photo} at You might need to surprise them. *None of these women saw this column coming.
We may sometimes find ourselves in our own battles, perhaps those battles are our own Spiritual battles for our Souls.
Like most stories, I will continue telling this one until I feel “less numb.”
February 11th, is a great time to talk with your family about staying safe while online. #StartTheConversation.
Davidson County Commissioner Todd Yates cleared of pending charges.
As we meditate on the word of God this week let us remember to spread our wings and fly. Our Father In Heaven will cover us with his feathers and he will shelter us with his wings.
In a world dominated by screens and constant connectivity, taking time to unplug and engage in a digital detox is more important than ever. Here is some advice on how to unplug and find some peace by Julie Harshaw.
Welcome to “Hello Neighbor” Davidson Local’s column dedicated to the many unique personalities in our area. Our latest introduction is Lexington native Nissi Roberts. She has written a transformative play that is being performed in Lexington. Get your ticket!
Stay informed on NC Bills being filed that affect you. Here is an update of new bills introduced in Raleigh.
Due to technical issues on Sunday, “Faith & Fellowship” is being featured today. Please enjoy and meditate on the blessed words of Minister Toni delivering this week’s message.
Impacted voters across the state are speaking out about the most recent attempt to toss out legitimate ballots.
As we meditate on the word of God this week let us further understand the message by quoting the popular New Year’s song Auld Lang Syne. “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?”
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
Publisher Antionette Kerr accepted the challenge to bring something beyond a book to holiday tables each year.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember our King is the source of all happiness and that we would rather have the treasure of Jesus than the riches of the world.
Cheese straws are the perfect holiday snack and gift. They are as easy as they are delicious!
Here is a listing of fun events to get you out and about in Davidson County.
The Davidson County "Homeless Care Packages" Collection Drive is underway and hosting a day for donations to be dropped off to prepare 300 backpacks of homeless care packages for disadvantage families and individuals experiencing homelessness.
El sábado 15 de diciembre, aproximadamente a las 18:10 horas. La Patrulla de Caminos del Estado de Carolina del Norte respondió e investigó una colisión fatal en el condado de Forsyth en la I-40 oeste cerca de la milla 183.