The roadmap to the Cross: Part 5
The roadmap to the cross has led Jesus to his destination.
Jesus coming to the end of the roadmap is not a bad thing for us. It was the ultimate sacrifice, the destination reveals the depth of God‘s Love for us. Romans 58 declares, “God shows his love for us, and while we were sinners, Christ, died for us”.
After Palm Sunday we continued to follow Jesus on the roadmap to the cross. On Monday Jesus returned with his disciples to Jerusalem. We found that along the way Jesus cursed the fig tree, because it had failed to bear fruit. Let us remember true, living faith must bear spiritual fruit in a person's life.
On the same day, when Jesus arrives at the temple, he finds the courts full of corrupt money Changers, here we find Jesus overturning their tables and clearing out the temple. Luke 19:46 declares, “My temple will be a house of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves”.
As the roadmap to the cross continues, we find on Tuesday, Jesus go to the Mount of Olives we find Jesus left the city and went with his disciples to the Mount of Olives , which sits due east of the temple, overlooking Jerusalem, here we find Jesus going to the Olivet Discourse and elaborate prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the age, as usual Jesus is speaking in parables.
After a day of confrontation and warning about the future once again, Jesus and his disciples return to Bethany to stay the night.
“ Love the Lord with all your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself”. Matthew 25:21
On Wednesday on the roadmap to the cross, we call this day Holy Wednesday after two exhausting days in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples spent this day resting in anticipation of the Passover. Jesus warns his disciples that he will be handed over and crucified. The chief priest and the elders, plot to secretly arrest and kill him. On Wednesday, we find out that Judas agrees to betray Jesus in exchange for money. Later, Mary anoints Jesus with oil to prepare him for his burial. Luke 22, John 12.
On Thursday on the roadmap to the cross, Jesus shares with his disciples at the Passover Feast. During Passover, Jesus humbly washes the disciples feet, He states, “One of you will betray me.” Speaking of Judas. Jesus continues to teach the disciples to love one another, as I have loved you. By this men will know you are my disciples. Jesus also predicts Peter’s denial, “Truly I say to you, the rooster will not crow till, You have denied me three times.”
As the disciples slept, Jesus prayed in agony,”Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but Yours be done.”
Judas arrives with a large crowd armed with swords and clubs. He betrayed Jesus with the kiss. Jesus is arrested and taken to the palace of the high priest. This must happen for the scriptures to be fulfilled.
The roadmap to the cross, has led us to the most difficult day of passion week. Known as Good Friday, Jesus' journey turned painful in the final hours, leading up to his death. Overnight, the head priest sentenced Jesus to death for saying he’s the Son Of God. Peter denied Jesus three times before dawn, as predicted. Judas goes back to religious leaders. He throws the money, runs away and hang himself. Jesus goes before Pilate and Herod; neither man finds charge. Jesus is marked and beaten, but the crowd screams “CRUCIFY HIM!”
Pilate gives the crowd a choice to free a murderer or release Jesus who has been found not guilty of any offense. The crowd chooses Barabbas, Pilate turns Jesus over to them and puts a robe and crown of thorns on Jesus' head.
The crowd mocks Jesus, “Hell king of the Jews.” They beat and spit on him, place the cross on his back as they lead him to Calvary. At Calvary, they nailed Jesus to the cross they beat and spit on him.
Jesus declares his seven last words while hanging on the cross between two thieves.
That night, a man named Joseph asked for Jesus' body. He wrapped it in cloth and put it in a tomb, where no one has been laid.
On Saturday, Guards are sent to keep watch at the tomb because they remember Jesus' words.” After three days I will rise again.” Matthew 27:63
Our Savior laid in the tomb all day and all night on Saturday.
Early Sunday morning the story does not end, it is RESURRECTION SUNDAY!
The stone has rolled away. Jesus is not here he has risen, just as he said, an Angel assures! Peter and John rushed to the tomb to verify they found Jesus' burial linens, but his body was gone. In disbelief they head home.
Outside the tomb Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.”Why are you weeping? Go to my brothers and tell them I am ascending to my father.” Jesus appears, their eyes are open to recognize Jesus and they report back to the others. Jesus also visits his disciples, but they are frightened he affirms,”why do you doubt look at my hands and my feet it is me! it is me !” I have risen just like I said I would..
As we meditate on the word of God, this week let us remember, The roadmap to the cross was for you.
Jesus hung on the Cross for You!
Happy Easter!
May God so Richly Bless!
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