Faith & Fellowship: The Roadmap to the Cross: Part 4
Lead me to the cross, where your love pours out, bring me to my knees, Lord, I lay me down, bid me of myself, I belong to you, oh lead me, oh lead me.
As we continue our journey on the roadmap to the cross, Jesus knew his trip to Jerusalem would be his last before he would be crucified.
Near the village of Bethpage, he sent two of his disciples ahead, telling them to look for a donkey and his unbroken coat. The disciples were instructed to untie the animals, and bring them to Jesus.
We then find Jesus sitting on a young donkey,
As he made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, fulfilling the prophecy in the book of Zachariah 9:9.
Can you imagine in your spiritual imagination the crowd of people, placing palm branches at the feet of Jesus, with shouts of Hosanna, Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna,in the highest!
Can you imagine the joy the people felt when Jesus entered into Jerusalem?
Yet there were those who still rejected Jesus as their savior.
May we always remember how meek and lowly Our Savior is. Jesus did not make his way into Jerusalem, riding on a horse, but on a humble donkey. Just as our Savior who was born in a lowly manger, he did not present himself as a conquering King, Who would establish an earthly kingdom.
Yes, some of the people receive Jesus as the Messiah, yet there were many people that still rejected him as our Savior. Zachariah 9:9, teaches us “ Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See your King come to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey.
Jesus knew his assignment on the roadmap to the cross. We find that Jesus did not allow the distraction of the crowds to take his eyes off of the cross.
We call this triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday.
On Palm Sunday, Jesus and his disciples spent the night in Bethany, a town about 2 miles east of Jerusalem, this is where Lazarus whom Jesus had raised from the dead, and he’s two sisters Mary, Martha live. They were close friends of Jesus and probably hosted him and his disciples doing their final days in Jerusalem. We find Jesus' triumphal entry in the word of God, Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1 and the Gospel of John 12:12-19.
There is nothing in this world that compares to the new life that Jesus offers.
God, prayer, joy and everlasting life, these things will last forever.
On the roadmap to the cross shall we always remember, the roadmap helps us visualize where we have been and where we want to go.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember that learning to navigate change in transition while following the roadmap to the cross will help us gain control of life circumstances.
We should all pray for the King of Kings to make a triumphal entry into our lives.
May God Richly Bless!
{Photo: Stock}