Votes are needed to advance a local competitor in Carla Hall Presents Favorite Chef.
Votes are needed to advance a local competitor in Carla Hall Presents Favorite Chef.
Here is a listing of fun events to get you out and about in Davidson County.
On December 10, 2024, Detectives with the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office T.R.A.C.E. Team arrested Timothy Beard during an ongoing breaking and entering.
The Davidson County "Homeless Care Packages" Collection Drive is underway and hosting a day for donations to be dropped off to prepare 300 backpacks of homeless care packages for disadvantage families and individuals experiencing homelessness.
A local child succumbs to injuries sustained in a 5 car accident on Sunday night in Clemmons.
RSVP to get your Golden Ticket for a local Christmas toy giveaway this Saturday in Lexington.
El sábado 15 de diciembre, aproximadamente a las 18:10 horas. La Patrulla de Caminos del Estado de Carolina del Norte respondió e investigó una colisión fatal en el condado de Forsyth en la I-40 oeste cerca de la milla 183.
On December 12, 2024, The Davidson County Sheriff’s Office assisted investigators with the Lynchburg Police Department in executing a search warrant at a residence in Thomasville.
Breaking News: Lexington Police make arrest relayed to the Nancy Bunly Missing Person case.
The Invictus Task Force makes arrest.
Hear the Future and key recommendations for Lexington City Schools' Facilities Master Plan at a local community meeting.
Join Davidson Local in celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas by revisiting some of our favorite content from this year. Here is a great story about local educators receiving special community awards.
The votes have been tallied and we are excited to announce this year's Light Up the Block winners!
Todas las obras de arte deben estar terminadas y enviadas a los profesores, directores de actividades extraescolares, o entregadas directamente al Teatro de Artes 202, ubicado en el 202 N. Main Street, Lexington, antes del 13 de enero, 2025.
Thomasville City Schools and state education leaders recently celebrated Ronnie Hewitt, Principal of Liberty Drive Elementary School, as the 2025 Burroughs Wellcome Fund Piedmont-Triad Region Principal of the Year.
Davidson Prison Ministry makes a big splash at their 2023 Polar Plunge
Tad Wrenn Helmstetler, 60, of Lexington, North Carolina passed away Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at his home.
All art entries must be completed and submitted to teachers, afterschool directors, or dropped off at the Arts Theater 202, located at 202 N. Main Street, Lexington, by January 13, 2025.
A Greensboro man was arrested on multiple felony charges in Lexington.