Greensboro man arrested for multiple felony charges including causing crash of Lexington Police cruiser
Phillip Edward Burnett, 29 of 307 North Church Street in Greensboro was arrested and charges with multiple crimes including actions that led to the crash of a Lexington Police Department cruiser on December 15th in Lexington.
Burnett was fleeing police in a stolen red pick up truck in the southern area of Lexington shortly after 9 a.m. One of the police cruisers engaged in the pursuit unfortunately crashed with the officer receiving minor injuries as a result of the crash.
Bennett, moments later crashed the stolen vehicle into the rear of businesses located at 2310 South Main Street, then led authorities on a foot pursuit which ended shortly with Bennett’s arrest for the following charges:
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Possession of a Stolen Vehicle.
Felony Flee to Elude Arrest.
Resisting Arrest.
Possession of Schedule 1 Drug.
Hit & Run with Leaving Scene & Property Damage.
Driving While License Revoked
Failure to Stop at Stop sign or Flashing Red Light.
Probation Violation
Hit & Run with Failure to Stop with Property Damage.
Failure to Appear & Comply.
Possession of Firearm by Felon.
Bennet is currently in the Davidson County Jail with no bond.