The Lord is great and greatly to be Praised, His greatness no one can fathom. Great The Lord! God greatness and Power is everlasting to those who believe.
All in Faith & Fellowship
The Lord is great and greatly to be Praised, His greatness no one can fathom. Great The Lord! God greatness and Power is everlasting to those who believe.
We are God’s children and the scriptures teaches us. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart it”
We as believers try our very best to protect our name, there maybe times when we may struggle to remember someone’s name, But we can rest assured, In knowing God knows us by name, and he calls us by name..
First United Methodist Church in Lexington presents: The 38th Annual Mayme Weaver Preaching Mission “Connecting the Secular to the Sacred” with The Reverend Doctor Arnetta E. Beverly
Sometimes we may find forgiving someone who has hurt us, impossible. But God commands us to forgive others.
Jesus is A Way maker, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He knows the end of the road and he will surely be your guide.
The Ministries to Youth and Children at First Reformed United Church of Christ are vibrant, engaging, fun, inclusive, and affirming.
The Apostle Paul gives us a strong testimony in the Bible, Galatians 2:20 teaches us,” I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me”. The message of the cross that we hear being preached tells us that Jesus Christ is Lord. The cross brought power from God within him.
The message of the cross is foolishnesses to those who are perishing, but to us who are believers, it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18
Registration fees are $180 (which includes a t-shirt) for the 12-week fall semester and parents can register their children online through the Arts Academy at Grace website. Scholarships are available. Applications are included on the website. For more information, go to
Obedience is better than sacrifice comes from 1 Corinthians 15, We do not sacrifice animals these days. Because our ultimate sacrifice gave his life on the cross.
I Love that God paints the sky each day, to remind us of who he is. Our God who paints the sky uses blue representing Heaven. The white clouds representing God’s glory, and the sun, which comes to brighten our lives.
Center Hill Baptist Church 3759 NC Hwy 8 Lexington NC will have Homecoming Service this Sunday, August 21st at 10:30AM.
Wind by virtue of it’s strength, the wind is unpredictable. You cannot catch the wind, you could try to use a windmill, even with that we are not able to stop the wind from blowing.
Yadkin Star Baptist Church will host its first annual Fisher of Men Camp Meeting on Saturday, Aug. 20 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
As believers if we are left to feed our own righteousness, we will starve, but it’s only when we seek God and depend on him to fill us with his righteousness, only then will we be totally satisfied.
The more we seek the Kingdom of God, the more we will be filled by his goodness.
Blessed are those who thirst for righteousness.
While we are in Heaven what a joyous time we will have sharing and fellowshipping with our loved ones that has gone us before us. “ For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face, now I know In part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12
Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, which whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning - James 1:17.
Everyone is welcome to attend this free event. The team highly encourages young people to attend, whether they be college, high school or even elementary school students. At 2CFAR, they can be a collective voice for faith and race.
Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace, and spiritual sustenance. Today, knitters and crocheters of all faiths are creating handmade shawls for people in need, as gifts of comfort, hope, and peace. “Shawls...made for centuries universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving, God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify. Those who have received these shawls have been uplifted and affirmed, as if given wings to fly above their troubles...” Written in 1998 by Janet Severt Bristow.
When we think of July Fourth, we usually think of cookouts, fireworks, celebrating and spending time with friends and family. We should also take the time to celebrate all the freedoms we are given.
I pray that your spiritual celebration on the 4th of July will mirror what we have been taught in
1st Peter 2:16, Live as people who are free not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.