Questions raised as County Commissioners consider building a $65 million sport complex
The Davidson County Commissioners are considering building a $65 million sport complex in Southmont despite lingering backlash on the idea from several years ago. During an informational meeting on Feb. 6, the county commissioners heard a presentation from Providence Partners Structural Design Engineer firm of Charlotte, on a proposed 350-acre sports complex to be built off of N.C. Highway 8 and Owens Road, behind Southmont Elementary School.
The project, which is projected to cost $65 million, would include 10 soccer fields and eight baseball fields, an outdoor water park, an aquatics center, indoor basketball courts, tennis and pickleball facilities, as well as camping and other amenities. It would take approximately three to four years to complete.
This is not the first time the county commissioners have considered building a sport complex in the area. They conducted a marketing survey on a proposed recreation/education bond referendum in 2015, but did not put the bond on the ballot after the survey resulted in unfavorable support in the community.
But last fall, the county commissioners took up the conversation again and purchased the 350- acre property for $3.5 million in August.
During the Feb. 6 meeting, the commissioners said the sports complex will bring needed recreational amenities to the community and school districts, economic benefits through tourism and improvements of quality of life.
“I think it is important for public (perception) the value that it is going to add to your family, to your community,” said Kester. “It is not like we are looking to blow $65 million on recreation. This is to bring economic development, quality of life to the community. It is going to bring people from other areas that don’t have anything like this.”
According to representatives of the engineering firm, once completed, the sports complex could bring up to $1.3 million in yearly revenue through admissions, concessions and other fees.
During the meeting, several of the commissioners voiced support of completing the sports complex all at once instead of phasing the project out over several years. If the project is completed in one phase, it would mean the project would have to be funded sooner than projected in the current five-year county capital improvement plan.
There is currently $29 million budgeted in the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 CIP budget, which is funded through COVID-19 recovery funds and income from an upcoming property tax revaluation. This was for the first phase of the project, which would include grading and utilities to the site, and completion of several soccer and baseball fields.
If county commissioners decide to complete the entire project as one phase, including the indoor swimming and basketball buildings, water park and camping facilities, it would mean redirecting funds allocated for other capital improvement projects.
During the meeting, the commissioners discussed using $50 million allocated for a potential project which would involve extending sewer service across the Yadkin River to connect with Salisbury/Rowan County. According to county leadership, the viability of this project is in question, and may not occur, which would leave these funds available for the sports complex.
Following the presentation, the county commissioners decided to allow the facilities committee and county management to compile a more comprehensive timeline and contract costs that are broken down into categories, such as grading, lighting, construction and equipment upfitting.
They plan on having further discussions on the scope of the project at the county commissioners annual budget meeting on March 6. The board will also have continued discussions prior to approving any contracts during its regular Monday night meetings.
“In the end, I think we are going to say we should have had this 30 years ago,” said Commissioner Todd Yates.