It was a summer day in the late 1970s. I recall standing in the lobby of Wachovia Bank waiting for the next available teller.
All tagged reading
It was a summer day in the late 1970s. I recall standing in the lobby of Wachovia Bank waiting for the next available teller.
As Black History Month comes to an end, here are more Black American achievements.
The first funeral I can remember attending was my great-grandmother’s. Actually, I don’t remember the funeral, just the trip for her burial to the mountains where she was born.
Now that we’re celebrating Black History Month, everyone should make a conscious effort to increase their celebration and knowledge of Black history
I can’t write much…or for very long. Hopefully, this gets into the right hands.
Today was very uneventful. That’s what I would like to say. In fact, today was the complete opposite.
Dear Diary,
I didn’t journal yesterday because I was really busy. Wednesday morning, I woke up like usual, but there was a strange light tapping sound
Our creative writer extraordinaire, Catherine Lyons, will return with original short stories in February. In her absence, we’ll be publishing short stories from our newest intern, Cassidy Craven.
This week’s story was written in December 1974. I was in my senior year in high school and it was printed in our Christmas newsletter.
Joy is a typical little girl. She loves playing with her vast array of dolls.
Glancing at her watch, Crystal is pleased to see she has arrived for her appointment with Mrs. Porter 15 minutes early.
“Good morning, Ms. Long. I hope you’re as excited about joining the staff here at the Department of Social Services Childcare Division as we are about getting some much needed help!”
May is Get Caught Reading Month, and what a perfect month to pick up a book. Begun in 1999, Get Caught Reading Month, sponsored by the Association of American Publishing, was designed to kickstart a summer of reading for adults and children.