As part of our hyperlocal coverage, Davidson Local invites ALL registered political parties to submit a monthly opinion column by a designee.
All in Opinion
As part of our hyperlocal coverage, Davidson Local invites ALL registered political parties to submit a monthly opinion column by a designee.
Our intern, Sidney Briggs, reflects on the reality that “her year” is only a few days away. Briggs is a graduating high school senior in the Class of 2022.
Health care issues, political division, and the loss of life as we knew it compounded to produce a tougher year than any of us have had to lead in our lifetimes. I schlepped along quietly until the past month. We couldn’t wait for 2020 to go away. Now it seems to be the consensus that most of us are OVER 2021.
Throughout the year, many observations, ideas and promptings have been shared under the two categories: Columns and Opinions.
Another holiday event canceled. My tacky grinch inspired outfit can wait until next year. Have a safe holiday season!
Society needs to take a moment this season and recognize that Christmas isn’t the only holiday.
Political Opinion: Nuestro Sistema de Quebrado Condado de Davidson, hoy vengo a ustedes con un artículo sobre uno de mis temas favoritos: Nuestro sistema de justicia quebrado. El mes pasado, nuestro país demostró una vez más cuán urgente es la reforma de nuestro sistema de justicia penal.
Democratic Party leaders writes, “Davidson County, today I come to you with a piece on one of my favorite topics —- Our broken justice system. Last month, our country proved once again just how bad we need a reform of our criminal justice system. People across the nation are speaking out about how the justice system.”
Political Opinion: As we all know the main race coming up in 2022 are local elections, the main one will be for County Commissioner. At the top of the list is maintaining Constitutionality at the local level. Most have a particular view that the Constitution only encompasses that which they are in favor of. Truth is that it was written to include all, only a couple of Articles and Bill of Rights are specifically addressed to the citizen.
November 13 marked the last fall season regatta I’ll ever participate in as a youth rower.
Thanksgiving is a day where families gather to eat, share thanks, and prepare for the start of the holiday season.
I hope you found ways this past week to incorporate meditation into your daily schedule. This week focuses on about taking breaks.
Until around four years ago, I wasn’t a fan of autumn. I still wouldn’t call myself a fan.
Toni Royal McCullough is a native of Lexington, NC and devoted member of Files Chapel Baptist Church in the city of Lexington. As a spiritual enthusiast and community advocate, Toni will be contributing to Davidson Local providing news and updates for local churches and faith-based community organizations serving the Greater Lexington area.
With the conclusion of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, the growing amount of suicides and rate of depression in the US must be recognized.
Column: Co-Publisher Antionette Kerr talks about yesterday’s social media crisis and how Davidson Local’s team responded. Lesson’s learned: If you subscribe to Davidson Daily, we can email you the important details so you don’t have to rely solely on social media. We hope to be your go to for free local news, daily. You don’t have to be stuck in Facebook limbo. Don’t miss a beat at Davidson Local!
As part of our hyperlocal coverage, Davidson Local invites ALL registered political parties to submit a monthly opinion column by a designee.
Political Opinion: No es una sorpresa para nadie que la participación electoral sea siempre menor durante las elecciones municipales. La mayoría de la gente irrumpe en las urnas cuando tenemos una elección presidencial y nuestro país se ve atrapado en el momento de decidir si apoya al candidato demócrata o republicano. Cómo parte de nuestra covertura hiperlocal, Davidson Local invita a TODOS los partidos políticos a que submitan un artículo de opinión mensual escrito por una persona designada.