VA announced that all Veterans who were exposed to toxins and other hazards while serving in the military while at home or abroad will be eligible to enroll directly in VA health care beginning March 5, 2024.
All in Health
VA announced that all Veterans who were exposed to toxins and other hazards while serving in the military while at home or abroad will be eligible to enroll directly in VA health care beginning March 5, 2024.
North Carolina Lawmakers seek to protect citizens from a dietary supplement's detrimental side effects
North Carolina lawmakers in a new House Select Committee on Substance Abuse at the General Assembly have been discussing options for protecting people in North Carolina from a dietary supplement's detrimental side effects.
February is US National Sweet Potato Month and these delicious yet versatile root veggies are all the rage. Farms in North Carolina have had a lot to do with the growth in popularity as more than just a holiday dish.
Hospice of Davidson County (HODC) announces achievement of a 5-star rating on the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Hospice Survey and classification as the only 5-star hospice provider in Davidson County.
El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Davidson ha recibido informes que confirman un caso positivo de rabia, lo que eleva el total de casos confirmados por laboratorio a tres en 2024.
The Davidson County Health Department has received reports confirming a positive rabies case, bringing the total of lab confirmed cases to three in 2024.
Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center Foundation is pleased to announce officers and the addition of a new board member to provide stewardship and oversight of its operations and activities.
The Dragonfly House Children's Advocacy Center, a local children's advocacy center providing comprehensive services for child abuse victims in Davidson and Davie Counties announces the opening of a new extension in Mocksville, effective March 1st.
A Central Davidson Middle School student brought a vape with THC to school Tuesday. Seven students became ill and one was taken to the hospital following the incident.
Military ID Card renewals are now available online.
El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Davidson reporta un caso positivo de rabia.
The Davidson County Health Department reports a positive rabies case.
The Davidson County Rescue Squad unveils exciting news.
Un zorrillo sale positivo y marca el primer caso local de rabia en 2024
Davidson County reports first case of rabies for the year
El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Davidson ha recibido resultados de laboratorio que confirman el primer caso positivo de rabia en el Condado de Davidson en 2024.
The Davidson County Health Department has received lab results confirming the first positive rabies case in Davidson County in 2024.
Sharing your feelings with those who are also grieving brings healing and strength to all. As part of your holiday celebrations, acknowledge the loss of your loved one in meaningful ways:
Out of concern for the health and well-being of the community as respiratory viruses become more prevalent, Novant Health is implementing temporary visitor restrictions. Beginning Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 7 a.m., children under age 13 are asked not to visit Novant Health hospitals in an effort to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses.
La rabia es una enfermedad prevenible por vacunación en humanos, perros, gatos y hurones, pero sin la vacuna y el tratamiento posterior a la exposición, el virus es mortal en un 99,9%. La ley de Carolina del Norte requiere que todos los gatos, perros y hurones domésticos reciban la vacuna contra la rabia antes de los 4 meses de edad y se mantengan al día.