All in Business

Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Hospital announces new president, restructuring

As part of a new, streamlined leadership model being implemented across some of Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist’s community hospitals, Chad Brown, president of Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Davie Medical Center and Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Wilkes Medical Center, will assume a new role as president of Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist’s South and West areas, effective Jan. 1, 2024.  Bill James will step down as president of Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Lexington Medical Center.

Press Release: Getting Ahead graduation

Graduation for participants in Getting Ahead is on the calendar for December 5, and the community is invited to celebrate their accomplishments. These hard-working neighbors are starting their journeys out of poverty and into stability and the organization is proud of all the accomplishments they have made so far. Those who attend the graduation will hear stories about participants’ experiences, moments of discovery and awakening in the group, and future goals they have set. There will also be a networking dinner designed to allow Getting Ahead participants to build their business contacts.

Joel's Thoughts: New discoveries, enlightening and painful lessons learned

There is nothing more humbling than to travel to another country with different languages, pronunciations, meanings of the same words and the simple things like going to the proper passenger seat and drivers’ seats being different, knowing what room you are in, what city you are in, or even how to pronounce it and causing accidental mistakes that are embarrassing when you are striving to make a difference.