Who have you prayed for today?
The Bible commands us to pray one for another.
Someone may ask what it means to pray for someone. Galatians 6: 2, teaches us, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ”.
Praying for someone is a powerful blessing, you can give another person. Prayer is a gift from God.
Prayer makes a difference, always remember prayer is a conversation between you and our God. Our God is a big prayer answering God, when you pray for someone it draws you and the person that you’re praying for closer in relationships.
Again, I ask, who have you prayed for today?
Perhaps it was a friend or a family member, maybe a coworker or even a neighbor that you have prayed for. It is a powerful way to bear one another's burdens, it is a loving act. Praying for someone and joining them in taking the pain of their heart to God. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Prayer always makes a difference in one’s life. When you pray for someone, it produces humility because it takes our eyes off of ourselves.
When you take the time to pray for someone it welcomes the presence of God to come near unto us.
Praying for someone is a way to fellowship with Jesus, Ephesians 6:28 teaches us,”Praying at all times in the spirit, with all prayer and supplication.To that end, keep alert with our perseverance, making supplications for all the Saints”.
If you are not sure how to pray for someone else, trust God’s power and trust his strength to help lead and guide you, prayer is a ministry, as believers we should not wait for someone to call us with a prayer request, we should always position ourselves to pray without ceasing. Who have you prayed for today? Prayer is us partnering with Jesus.
Praying for others can sometimes be a struggle, a true labor of love. When you pray for someone, remember that there does not have to be great trouble in their lives.
Praying for others can also be rejoicing and thanking God for what God has done in their lives.
As you pray for someone today, remember the words of this song, “
Beautiful Garden of Prayer”
There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting, there's a place that is wondrously fair. For it glows with the light of his presence,Tis the beautiful garden of prayer. O the beautiful garden, the garden of prayer. 0 the beautiful garden of prayer. There my Savior awaits, and he opens the gates, To the beautiful garden of prayer. There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting, and I go with my burdens and care. Just to learn from his lips, words of comfort, In the beautiful garden of prayer. There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting,And he bids you to come meet Him there, Just to bow and receive a new blessing,In the beautiful garden of prayer.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, I often reflect on a friend that constantly sings, I know what prayer can do. Prayer has brought me through, right now I’m concerned about you,
Let us pray in the morning anytime of the day.
Just in case you may think no one Prayed for you today, please remember I pray that you may prosper as your soul prosper, I pray that you will have good health and prosperity will come to your home.
God will hear you when you pray for someone else today.
May God Richly Bless!
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