Time is filled with swift transitions
Life changes so quickly we should be so grateful that the Lord’s purpose prevails, God in his infinite wisdom always knows what is best for us. God's consistency is always moving us forward in faith.
We all have victory in the word of God. We should give God praise for what he does, even if things do not happen the way we think they should.
Let us reflect on Philippians, 3:13-14 which teaches us to forget the past and move forward. The word of God states for us to forget the past and to look forward to what lies ahead.
Time is filled with swift transitions, therefore God is saying to his people, arise and start moving forward.
Let us face the present head on with faith in God.
Let us face the transitions in life with strength and courage. For God is telling us that being strong is not only just in a physical sense but also in a moral sense. Someone once stated,” It’s amazing what something becomes, when you submit to God”,
When God calls us into a season to move forward,do not hesitate! Step forward with courage and confidence, even when you are facing the Red Sea.
Remember always if God says move forward, go forward! Knowing that it is dangerous and painful to “stand still”. Always listen to the voice of God and have confidence in His still small voice.
Our time is not God’s time. Know that times are filled with swift transitions, know always that Jesus gave us a mission and the mission is for us to love one another as he has loved us.
We must move forward in his wake, at his sound.
Let us rest in the Lord, he has given us permission to be calm and to catch our breath.
Let us now stop overthinking, stop over analyzing, stop trying to predict life.
Life has always been unpredictable and full of uncertainty. For we understand that we can only change our thoughts and our actions.
As the children of God, we are resilient and we know how to adapt. Remember always that things have a way of working together for the good of us that love the Lord.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us reflect on the songwriter that pinned these lyrics,”Time is filled with swift transitions, non-on earth unmoved can stand, build your hopes on things eternal and then hold unto God‘s unchanging hand.”
May God So Richly Bless!
{Image: Clarence-Vernon Hargrave/Davidson Local}