The Davidson County Republican Party is set to hold its annual convention on Saturday, March 8th, 2025, at Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church, located at 222 Mt. Zion Church Road, Thomasville.
All tagged politics
The Davidson County Republican Party is set to hold its annual convention on Saturday, March 8th, 2025, at Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church, located at 222 Mt. Zion Church Road, Thomasville.
From the Desk of State Senator Steve Jarvis
The last sentence in the Declaration of Independence states, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Davidson County’s GOP saw a large turnout at the annual county convention on Saturday, March 11, 2023
Regardless of what color you prefer - Dem Blue, Republican Red or Libertarian Green - we love that this primary campaign season showed your true hues. After spending two whole days of pounding the pavement for Davidson Local, I saw hugs and high fives that crossed divides and partisan boundaries. We need more of that!
Here is the latest update on local and US senate filings.
Local elections matter! Here’s why you should advertise to reach a hyperlocal audience.
Political Opinion: “It should not matter whether you are on the right or left of the political spectrum, at the end of the day we want a better Davidson County. This means we need to have these tough conversations, even if it makes us uncomfortable.” As part of our hyperlocal coverage, Davidson Local invites ALL registered political parties to submit a monthly opinion column by a designee.
Three different local bills with these provisions would affect some two dozen counties. A statewide version of this bill, SB 116, is pending but is subject to the governor’s veto. Other local bills in this vein would allow more people to attend high school graduations in seven Piedmont counties and reopen schools in five districts across several regions.