Standing room only at city council swearing in
Once again, it was standing room only Monday night when two new members of Lexington’s city council were sworn in, along with re-elected Mayor Jason Hayes.
Prior to the ceremonies welcoming new council members Becky Klass and Tommy Black, the council recognized departing members Whitney Brooks and Frank Callicutt. Callicut was originally elected in 2011, when he was, according to councilor Jim Meyers, “the youngest elected and I was the oldest.” Brooks has served on the council for more than five years. She and Callicutt did not run for re-election, but both were praised for their years of work.
Departing council member Whitney Brooks watches her farewell video, as does city clerk Emily Jackson.
Elisabeth Strillacci
“I have appreciated the way we have been able to arrive at hard decisions together,” councilor Garrett Holloway said to Brooks.
“I’ve sat beside you for four years and have enjoyed your perspective,” added Mayor Pro Tem Joe Watkins. “You think of things I’ve never thought about.”
Councilor John Burke praised Callicutt for his steadfastness.
“You’ve had a lot of tough decisions during your tenure as you noted,” Burke said. “And you’ve taken the hits when they came, along with the celebrations.” He and Hayes, among other members, thanked Callicutt for standing his ground.
Both Callicutt and Brooks were on video talking about their proudest accomplishments, but it was away from the camera that emotion showed.
Departing council member Frank Callicutt says goodbye to council member Keith Curry.
Elisabeth Strillacci
Callicutt choked up when he reminded those in attendance that he “loves this community, and I just appreciate you letting me serve.”
Brooks encouraged the council to remember to listen, “not to respond, but to learn.” She noted that as the only woman on the council, she’d had her share of challenges, from a committee chair who took her aside after a meeting and told her he saw that she had worn her hair up at the previous meeting and should continue to do that, or when residents would call her but talk to her husband, and when he offered to get her, they declined, preferring to speak to her husband.
But she closed on a positive note: “I just want to say how proud I am to have worked with the staff here. They are second to none, and I believe in Johnnie Taylor, and to city clerk Emily Jackson, you are the unsung hero. I thank the staff for putting their trust in me as a leader.”
Mayor Pro Tem Joe Watkins, right, prepares to be sworn into the position again by Mayor Jason Hayes.
Elisabeth Strillacci
Once Hayes, Klass and Black were sworn in, the council voted to return Watkins to his position as mayor pro tem, and seats were shifted for old and new members. This was the final meeting for the council in 2023, and the first for the two new members. The next meeting will be Monday, January 8.