Lexington Housing Authority has cleared all OIG findings — DavidsonLocal.com



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Lexington Housing Authority has cleared all OIG findings

Lexington Housing Authority has cleared all OIG findings

OIG Audit Report 2017-AT-1011 
Avis P. Robinson, Executive Director 

Lexington, NC - The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an investigation of the Lexington  Housing Authority and found numerous findings involving HUD compliance, insufficient policies, procedures and  poor financial accountability. Since this time, the Lexington Housing Authority (“LHA”) has worked diligently with the  United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”), Greensboro Office of Public and Indian  Housing, to resolve the twelve (12) findings issued by the HUD Office of Inspector General. 

Of those (12) findings with the greatest gravity was the more than $2.7 million dollars OIG was requesting that the  Housing Authority repay, unless proof of subsidy payments released could be fully supported. 

Wilma Fuller, the late Rickey Holmes and Betty Gregory, Board Commissioners in the midst of some pretty dark days  were determined to right the ship; looked to a weary, but determined staff to find their way and get the organization  back to full HUD compliance. 

Oct. 2018, Avis P. Robinson is appointed Interim Executive Director, she and her team rolled up their sleeves and got  to work. Conducting their own internal forensic file audit, Ms. Robinson and staff have been able to compile the  proof needed to support the subsidy paid during the time in question (2015-2016). 

The Authority has been under extreme scrutiny and has completed more than eight separate and subsequent audits  including Conformity Reviews, multiple Financial Audits, Rent Reasonableness, SEMAP, file audits and much more. 

The result, OIG and HUD have finally cleared the Housing Authority of all (12) findings issued and declared the  Housing Authority financially solvent and operating in accordance with HUD regulations. 

“I have been overwhelmed and excited, I have cried, and laughed to keep from crying, remained silent and embraced  some of the hardest work I have ever had to do in my life, but the consistent inspiration was knowing I didn’t have to  do it alone. The current board of Commissioners, Telishia Sheppard (Director of Housing Operations) and my now  seasoned team have supported and inspired me daily. It was our desire from the beginning to regain the  community’s trust by moving the agency into to a space of operational excellence; we have done that. And then  COVID came. COVID has been brutal on most businesses and agencies in the service arena, but we’re still  maintaining operational excellence. 

However, the next challenge awaits, expanding Lexington’s affordable housing options. I am looking forward to  collaborating with community partners to take on this challenge while the Authority duplicates what we learned  during our previous crisis, rolling up our sleeves and getting the work done. We thank the Community for its patience  during this trying season”-Avis P. Robinson, Executive Director

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