Lexington Fire Department is installing free smoke alarms
The Lexington Fire Department would like to install a smoke alarm in your home free of charge.
Thanks to the American Red Cross and a grant from the North Carolina Office of State Fire Marshal residents of Lexington are eligible.
The Office of State Fire Marshal offers two ways for fire departments to receive smoke alarms for their communities. The smoke alarm canvassing (SAC) grant program and the Smoke Alarm Saturday (SAS) campaign which is in June.
The SAC and SAS are designed for fire departments to provide both education and long-life smoke alarms through canvassing in high fire risk areas in their communities.
High fire risk areas may include, but are not limited to, areas with minority populations, large percentage of older mobile homes, low-income residences with older adults, and areas with a large number of older homes.
Fire stations that receive the SAC grants must complete the following training:
Online Smoke Alarm Installation Program training (must be complete within one year of alarm receipt;)
Home visits in targeted high risk areas;
Provide fire safety education during home visits;
Install smoke alarms in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
Submit survey forms online within thirty days of installation and;
Report lives saved and injuries avoided as a result of this project.
Having a properly working smoke alarm is one of your first lines of defense when it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones. Smoke alarms are a key part of every home’s escape plan and give you warning so that you can escape a fire quickly.
If you are a resident of Lexington and would like for the Lexington Fire Department to install a free smoke alarm in your home, please call the Fire Marshal at 336-248-3933 and leave a message.
{Images: Public Use}