

Interested in running for office?

Interested in running for office?

From school board to county commissioner, the Love In Our Communities Coalition wants to encourage Davidson County How to Run for Office in your Local Town | Facebook with the event:

OCT 6th at 6:30 PM

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The group offers tools for you to get started.

“Join us to find out information about filing to run for office, how to start and run your campaign. Find out about your qualifications to run for office, and what it takes to run! We are ready for even better days in our Lexington, NC Community and those better days starts with you! Sign up to join this informative workshop today! ***Filing period December 6 - 17, 2021*** Lexington, NC City Council -Mayor -Wards: 1, 2, 3, 4 Lexington, NC Board of Education -At Large -Wards: 4, 5, 6”

For more information visit the Love in Our Communities Event: (1) How to Run for Office in your Local Town | Facebook

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