Column: DL Job Fair is helping more have stronger tomorrows
August 24 at 3:30, Brian Downs, an FAA certified drone pilot, helped make history in Lexington by dropping BBQ sandwiches via drones to help everyone wonder about innovative uses for technology to kick off the Give Work A Chance Job Fair. Mayor Jason Hayes retrieved a sandwich and gave it to Mayor Pro Tem Joe Watkins to sample.
Photo: Antionette Kerr/Davidson Local
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Over 20 employers attended to try to fill more than 350 jobs at this unconventional festive job fair at Bull City Ciderworks. For those who were not able to attend or want to connect with these opportunities, following is a contact list.
At this time, Ashley Furniture has 21 interviews scheduled and Davidson Hospice has several viable candidates. The folks at Thompson-Arthur construction and paving said it was the best quality they have ever attended in years. Similarly, the pros at Valen custom drawers and door components were quite pleased.
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On a positive note, several seventh graders loved helping clean up and put back the tables in order after meeting with lots of employers to find out their needs. We have to get more students to calibrate their aspirations to the needs of the employers. This event helped our youth to become successful and contribute favorably to society.
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The job fair is not over; we would love for those interested to send resumes to so we can share with more employers. I did hear from many employers that several from Klaussner did arrive at the GWAC Job Fair and were actively searching for options.
Let's help Lexington Police and Fire Departments find solid candidates. After all, without adequate police and fire departments, safety is undoubtedly at risk. Lexington Fire Department recently received federal funding to hire 18 new firefighters and they do wish for culturally-diverse new hires. So please, spread the word.
To help employers find additional candidates, share this list with area job seekers. Thanks to all, you helped support the GIVE WORK A CHANCE JOB FAIR!
Company Name Contact Name Email
Staff Management Ashley Lassiter
Hollywood Beds Dan Harpole
Energy United Jennifer Asbury
Machine Specialties Lucy Wellmaker
Fairy Stone Fabrics Jim Bryan
John Deere Michael Fogleman
Hospice of Davidson County Aaron Holt
Progress Rail Stephanie Ward
Graham Personnel Alexa McHale
Mechanical Trades Carolina Lydia Marcelle>
Greensboro Fire Dept. Capt. Kelly Giles
Carolina Container Mallory Pullen
Valen Drawers Diane McBride
Ashley Furniture Stephanie Fields
DDCC Jonathan Brown
Lexington Fire Dept. Waylon Turbeville
Akzo Nobel Kelli Grant
Thompson Arthur Laura Henning goes by Shelly
BrassCraft Amanda Pearson
Balfour Beatty Aislinn Nagy
The Resource Ra'Shanna Aaron
United Brass Works Laura Brim
Lexington Police Dept. Sgt. Matthew Effinger
We extend special thanks to the team at Bull City Ciderworks, Women AdvaNCe, NC Family Cares Coalition, Clarence Vernon Hargrave, United Way of Davidson County, mayor Jason Hayes, Emerald Owl Tea, Renee Vaughn 97.1, Riley Elliott {The Scoop} and United Way of Davidson County for supporting Give Work A Chance.