

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: November 19, 2021

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: November 19, 2021

Dear Friends,

This budget process has been long and grueling to get to this point. We have made every effort to take into consideration all the needs of the citizens of North Carolina.

Negotiations between the House, Senate, and the Governor have went back and forth many times. None of us got everything that we felt was necessary, but that’s what true compromise is and because of this we the citizens of North Carolina are the winners! We have a budget signed into law that we all can truly be proud of.

I would personally like to thank everyone involved for the Hundreds of hours that have went into this budget. We have a staff that has worked beside us tirelessly and never complained about all the changes that we made hourly!

On Thursday the Governor signed the compromise budget into law. Now we all have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season.

We are not deserving of how good God is to us all!

In passing consistent, sustainable, and responsible budgets since taking control in 2011, the General Assembly has instituted fiscal policies that have helped to create a booming economy and are contributing to North Carolina’s continued long-term growth. Since being elected to the majority, over the past ten years the General Assembly has reined in out-of-control spending, funded a healthy rainy-day fund, and invested record amounts in education, all while cutting taxes.

Responsible budgeting has made it possible to return billions of dollars to taxpayers. The 2021 Compromise Budget continues the policies which have yielded these outstanding results.

As always, thank you to our numerous constituents who continue to write, call, or email our office. I will never stop fighting for you.

Senator Steve Jarvis,
NC District 29

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