Father knows best
A father's presence gives his family security, like our heavenly father, who’s presence is constant in our lives.
Our heavenly father knows our needs and he will meet everyone of them in his own time.
Why? Because father knows best.
Because father knows best, we can count on our heavenly father to protect us from evil, to provide for us and to keep our souls secure for eternity.
Your father knows your needs and he will always try to meet those needs.
Just in case your father did not meet your needs, you have a heavenly father that keeps a watchful eye over you. Father knows best and he will meet each and every one of your needs.
The word of God teaches us, “Take no thought about your life,” again I asked why? Because father knows best.
Our lives are led by a great father, who has all power.
No matter how much we grow in the gospel or how little we grow in the gospel, we will always need our heavenly father. As believers, we must continue to grow in the faith, knowing that our father will take care of us.
We have to believe in blessings that we haven't experienced yet, we have to believe the promises in the word of God that have not been fulfilled yet and always remember that father knows best.
Our father has a heart bigger than the world and he is love.
May God So Richly Bless!
(Image: Stock}