Faith and Fellowship: After the Resurrection —



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Faith and Fellowship: After the Resurrection

Faith and Fellowship: After the Resurrection

As believers we know and understand that after Resurrection Sunday (Easter), Jesus’ story does not end. Believers around the world have spent the past few weeks pondering the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death. During the week of Easter we reflected on several different events in the life of Jesus. We reflected on the triumphal entry, the last supper, the crucifixion. And now it’s time for the resurrection.

Someone may ask the question what happened after the resurrection? After Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus is portrayed proclaiming “eternal salvation”, through the disciples. In Mark 16:8 it says “Through the work of providing a sinless sacrifice through which men can be reconciled to God was complete.” Jesus had a few more things to accomplish before his final farewell to his disciples. The word of God teaches us that Jesus appeared several times in human form, to various sets of people before the birth of the new testament church occurred on Pentecost after the resurrection.

#1 The women were the first to see Jesus alive early Sunday morning, Mark 16: 9-11
#2 A surprise visit, Jesus miraculously appears to the men while they are walking to Emmaus, Luke 24: 13-33, The two men didn’t realize whom they were talking with, until they all sit and eat. The moment that their eyes were open and they realized it was Jesus that they had been talking with, he vanished from their sight.
#3 Appearance behind closed doors, Jesus showed himself to the ones who participated in the Passover meal, John 20:10
#4 Doubting Thomas, Jesus manifested himself to Thomas, our Lord and Savior allows Thomas to observe the wounds in order to strengthen his faith, John 20:27
#5 Five hundred see Christ alive, The apostle Paul is the only new testament writer that mentions Jesus appearance to over 500 hundred brethren after the resurrection, 1 Corinthians 15:6
#6 An appointment in Galilee, “ After I have been raised I will go before you into Galilee, Matthew 26: 32, there Jesus would meet with the disciples.
#7 On the shore of Galilee, Jesus show himself to seven of his disciples, while they are fishing on Lake Galilee, John 21:1-6.
#8 Special appearance to James, Jesus makes a special appearance to James, his physical half brother. Matthew 13:55
#9 Commission and Ascension, Jesus meets with the disciples on Mount Olives. Just before Jesus ascension into heaven, he gives them the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20

Two angels in white appeared as the disciples watched in amazement at the Lord lifted above the clouds. The angels proclaimed, Jesus will be back on earth the same way they saw him leave!!

Jesus proclaims, “I am with you always, to the end of age”.

Thank you Jesus for after the resurrection!!!

May God so richly bless!

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