Lexington City Council approves Phase 1 of new Davidson County First Hope Ministries homeless shelter
According to Data USA, 12.3% of Davidson County's population experienced severe housing challenges last year. The Davidson County First Hope Ministries (DCFHM), formally Crisis Ministries of Davidson County, located in Lexington recently received approval from the Lexington City Council to proceed with construction of a new homeless shelter: https://lexingtoncitync.iqm2.com//Citizens/detail_meeting.aspx?ID=1818.
DCFHM is a nonprofit organization sponsored by numerous local individuals and churches to assist the area’s hungry and homeless population with clothing, food, shelter and other life saving resources. DCFHM, lead by an amazingly brave team and innovative Executive Director, Ashley Phillips, will be breaking ground in the coming weeks on Phase 1 of the shelter at 817 Robbins Street in Lexington, giving hope and help to countless people.
(Image: Public Use}
Plans for Phase 1 of the homeless shelter construction project are complete and have been revealed with Phase 1 having already received 80% of the necessary funding. The newly constructed homeless shelter will provide space for more families which is an upgrade from the current shelter’s capacity of 7 families. The apartment-style dwellings will have both private bedrooms and bathrooms for each family and several shared common areas such as a play area and kitchen. The additional space at the new shelter will reduce the wait for housing in Davidson County, as there is an average of 10 families at any given time, on the shelter’s waiting list. Each family receiving shelter will also be assigned a case worker to help navigate and assist with resources.
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As the construction of the homeless shelter continues, Phase 2 will add a single bed shelter for both men and women. Phase 2 of the homeless shelter will also give DCFHM the ability to provide stable nutrition to the residents through 3 daily meals. Phase 2 is currently in the beginning stages of funding and DCFHM is in need of the community to provide the financial support needed to make Phase 2 a success. The offices and administrative area for DCFHM will all be completed during Phase 3 of the construction. The total estimated cost of the construction project is 4.5 million dollars.
To contribute to the completion of the DCFHM homeless shelter please visit the link below or call the offices at 336-248-6684. Volunteers are also welcome to join the organization in assisting those in need. Please call the offices for more information.
Contribute to DCFHM here: https://dcfirsthope.org/crisis-ministry-of-dc-fundraisers/.