Caught Doing Good: Compassion Inspiring Action (C.I.A.)
Caught Doing Good is an idea adapted from teachers, where we share only positive news of local folks caught in the act – of doing great! It could be something BIG – or small – but it will always be something good. {Photo Credits: Antionette Kerr/Davidson Local}
In a recent Facebook Post Davidson contributor Local Jimmy Davis said it best:
“426. That's how many kids will have presents to open on Christmas Day thanks to our CIA 4 KIDS annual Christmas event!
We couldn't have done this without all of the amazing local individuals and businesses who donated, held toy drives, and helped us prepare the CIA warehouse for this event.
Compassion Inspiring Action Co-Founder Jimmy Davis
We've also selected and notified the winner of the Carolina Panthers tickets for this weekend! Thank you for participating and sharing your stories with us.
We are grateful for each and every one of you. Compassion Inspiring Action is a huge family and its truly an honor and privilege to serve our community. Happy birthday Jesus and thank you most of all for allowing us to be part of this. I love calling Davidson county home. You folks are absolutely amazing.