Behold, the King is coming
With the busyness of the Christmas season, may we take the time to behold the King, who was lowly and humbled himself to be born in a manger. As Christmas approaches let us open our hearts to the miracle of the King's birth and let us open our eyes to our precious King. The arrival of the King will come to save us. The words of a popular song say.
“Listen to the Angels rejoicing,
Oh so sweetly, receiving Heavens glory;
The night that Christ was born.
Can’t you see the people coming from every nation, pleading for Salvation.
The night that Christ was born.”
Let us relax, rest, renew and rejoice! Behold the King is coming, let us intentionally stop, slow down and enjoy the coming of Immanuel, God with us.
Zechariah 9:9, teaches us “Behold your King is coming to you. Let us behold him, worship him for he is our righteous King.”
Our King meets us where we are, if you find yourself carrying burdens or struggling this Christmas season. There is good news, behold the King is coming!
Years before the King came on the scene, there was a prophecy concerning the birth of our King written in the Scripture Isaiah 7:14 that says, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold the virgin will conceive and will bear a son. Behold the King is coming.”
Our King did not have an ordinary birth because our King is an extraordinary King.
Jesus is more than an earthly King. He is King over all creation past, present and future.
Let’s get ready to celebrate!
Always remember wherever the King is, his Kingdom is there also. The King cannot be separated from the Kingdom.
While we wait on the greatest gift ever given, let’s all thank the King for the greatest Christmas gift to us.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember our King is the source of all happiness and that we would rather have the treasure of Jesus than the riches of the world.
Our King is our treasure, we will worship him and give him thanks forever.
Behold the King is coming.
Merry Christmas.
May God So Richly Bless!
{Image: Stock}