Press Release: Be Someone’s Hero- 48 Hours of Giving for the J. Smith Young YMCA —



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Press Release: Be Someone’s Hero- 48 Hours of Giving for the J. Smith Young YMCA

Press Release: Be Someone’s Hero- 48 Hours of Giving for the J. Smith Young YMCA

Be Someone’s Hero, 48 Hours of Giving is a hyper-focused two-day giving event beginning on November 15th, designed to highlight the J. Smith Young YMCA’s Annual Giving Campaign. 

The YMCA is reaching out to all superheroes, near and far, and asking them to join them in a mission to build a stronger community. Each day, the Y solves challenges, provides care, and supports our community. Unfortunately, the Y cannot do it alone. 

In 48 hours, the Y aims to raise over $20,000 and have 100+ donors that believe in the Y and are ready to accept the challenge to help. In 2022, because of our generous support, the Y: 

● Invested in youth with our Y on Wheels program. We provided a Summer Camp experience to over 500 children in locations that are too far to walk to the Y. 

● Supported seniors by providing classes and outings for seniors who are needing social interaction and improve their overall health and well-being or just want to hang out with others. 

● Provided scholarships and financial assistance for camp, early childhood and membership so that everyone has a chance to experience the Y regardless of their ability to pay. 

The Y understands that not everyone can give financially, but superheroes come in all shapes and forms. You can still help by: 

● Tell your Y story to others. What does the Y do for you or your family? What awesome things have you seen the Y do in our community? 

● Let your friends know about 48 Hours of Giving. Share our information with your friends on social media. 

Ready to accept the mission? Click here to donate!

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