And the government shall be upon his shoulders
The Lord has a government and he carried it on his shoulders, His government is based on the cross.
Isaiah: 9-6, teaches us, “The government shall be upon the shoulders of a Wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, Prince of Peace.”
God is worthy of our trust, whether we like it or understand what he is allowing to take place or not.
Let us always put God first, trusting that God knows exactly what he is doing. The shoulders also bear responsibility and power.
God the Father is an invisible spirit and does not have a physical body.
The word shoulder can be found 29 times in the Bible, with all of them in the Old Testament.
The reference to the shoulder of God has a great significance and reverence and provides unparalleled hope and inspiration.
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The future government will be headed by a fearless, flawless leader, Jesus Christ.
Today we find the President, Kings and Politicians are measured by public opinion polls, for when Jesus resigns, there will be no elections, no term limits, and no public opinion.
Jesus will not only be seen as a wonderful leader, unmatched splendor and expertise, but also a supremely kind, gracious, benevolent and wise counselor. Jesus will always be our friend and confidant.
We can go to the word of God anytime and find all that we need for our lives. There may be times when it comes to the government, that it may seem as if power and might is everything. Be not deceived, God is still in control.
The scripture teaches that, “Of the increase of his government there is no end.”
He is a mighty God and all powerful for all time.
What a Mighty God we serve and the government shall be upon his shoulders.
Let us trust in God, knowing that the best is yet to come. Our Savior is the King of King and he always wins!
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember our hopes aren’t built on nothing less than Jesus Christ’s righteousness. Rest assured that he is coming again and he will take his rightful place on the throne.
Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord.
May God So Richly Bless!