From New York Fashion to Lexington Suave: Hargrave's style is all his own
Clarence Vernon Hargrave: Contributed Photo
From the Big Apple to fashion week to elaborate community fundraisers in the Triad, when you meet Lexington Senior High School graduate Clarence Vernon Hargrave you know that he has an artistic style of his own. This lifestyle artist and owner of Event Horizons is lending his creativity to the Black Butterfly Network’s inaugural event on March 25th. He and other artists are planning a unique cultural experience for Lexington …in the spirt of renaissance. He recently sat down with Davidson Local to share a few insights. His mouth-watering menu will be over the top in true Event Horizons fashion.
Meet Clarence
How would you describe yourself as an artist?
As an artist, I would say I am all over the place!
I love Art so I live Art. By that I mean I am constantly seeking ways to submerge myself and others in any and everything artistic. I find ways every day to surround myself with something I consider beautiful. Be it a collection I paint on canvas, a room or garment I design, a floral installation I create. Or even a well thought out meal.
As an artist I am one who could truly be described as a Renaissance Man.
Why do you consider food as art?
I consider food to be art because it is a work that is created out of inspiration, be it haute cuisine or the simplest morsel. While perishable it is still remembered, and like art, food can be used to convey an array of emotions and thoughts.
Food always provokes conversation, and again, like art, is a necessity.
How would you describe the menu that you are preparing for the Black Butterfly: From Langston to Lexington with Love Event on Friday, March 26th?
The menu I created for the Inaugural Black Butterfly event is inspired by many traditional favorite dishes in the African American community. The menu is an homage to the heritage of certain foods like okra, black-eyed peas and crispy fried chicken. I reimagined many of these staples and developed a menu that granted a modern twist. A menu that is elegant yet still very satisfying.
I mean, the Collard Green Spring Rolls alone are a reason to attend Lexington With Love!
Photos: An evening with Clarence Hargrave and his culinary art.