LYT releases cast list for The Sound of Music —



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LYT releases cast list for The Sound of Music

LYT releases cast list for The Sound of Music

February 7, 2022 
Lexington, NC 
Debbie Diggs Phillips 

Lexington Youth Theatre (LYT) will bring Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music to life  onstage at the Edward C. Smith Civic Center in beautiful uptown Lexington, NC, on March  18-20, 2022. The show is based on the 1949 memoir of Maria von Trapp, The Story of the Von  Trapp Family Singers.  

Early bird tickets are $10 and are available from cast members or at 4 E. 3rd Avenue in  Lexington from 4-6 pm Monday through Friday through March 4. Tickets online or at the door  are $15, and reserved seating tickets are available online for $25. Please visit for tickets and more information. 

The cast will consist of youth grades 3-12. Direction is by Doug Brown, music direction is by  Laurie Klaus, and choreography is by Monica Walser. 

Cast members are as follows: Maria, Skylar Hutchins; Captain Von Trapp, Carson Shoaf; Liesel,  Katy Smith; Friedrich, Isaac Jenkins; Louisa, Cara Hayes; Kurt, Grayson Humphrey; Brigita,  Gentry Smith; Marta, Isabella Byerly; Gretl, Michelle Matthews; Mother Abbess, Emma Peters;  Max Detweiler, Brayden Daugherty; Elsa Schrader, Abigail Wilson; Rolf Gruber, Bryant Allen;  Sister Berthe, Rachel Huneycutt; Sister Margaretta, Grace Hopkins; Sister Sophia, Lily Abbott;  Franz, Bryson Frick; Fraus Schmidt, Salem Reynolds; Baron Elberfeld, Makenna Hedrick;  Baroness Elberfeld, Madilyn Hedrick; New Postulant, Maia Cooper; Herr Zeller, Lauren  Huneycutt; Frau Zeller, Meghann Yarbrough; Neighbors/Party Guests: Grace Hopkins, Miya  Mounts, Lily Abbott, Emma Peters; Allison Dagenhardt, Faith Traversy, Alivia Sigmon, Sarah  Hawkins, Lauren Huneycutt, Rachel Huneycutt, Macy Koonts, Maia Cooper; Nuns: Faith  Traverse, Alivia Simon, Madilyn Hedrick; Allison Dagenhardt, Sarah Hawkins, Lilly Snyder,  Lauren Huneycutt, Rachel Huneycutt, Macy Koonts, Makenna Hedrick; Postulants and Alter  Boys: Gabe Herbert, Noah Dagenhardt, Tabor Frick, Bella Hedrick, Claire Hedrick, Katherine  York, Maia Cooper, McKinley Jenkins, Khenna Lankford, Jenna Everhart, Meghan Yarbrough,  Allyson Steele, Molly McConnell; Nazi Soldiers: Noah Dagenhardt, Bryson Frick, Tabor Frick;  Festival Contestants: Gabe Herbert; Jenna Everhart, Meghan Yarbrough; Frauline Schweiger:  Makenna Hedrick; Austrian Citizens: Tabor Frick, Bella Hedrick, Claire Hedrick, Katherine York,  Noah Dagenhardt, Molly McConnell, Lilly Snyder, Khenna Lankford, Allyson Steele, Gabe  Herbert.

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